It worked pretty well, it turned into this:
I cut toast with a heart shaped cookie cutter and cut his strawberries into heart shaped slices.
It was served on a heart shaped plate ( a yard sale find). I had a big balloon tied to his chair and a small box of candy for him.
Next we were off to school. Our school's MAPS tests scores are much improved over last year's first semester, so the PTA asked us to bring for snacks & desserts for the teachers' lounge. I decided to bring veggies & dip. I thought they would gets lots of sweet things since it was Valentine's day. I made a little tent card to tell them they are appreciated.
We delivered little treats to the office staff and Jonathan's specials teachers while we were there.
Then it was back home for lunch before Jonathan boarded the bus to head to school for his afternoon kindergarten. Lunch was his favorite shrimp and fresh veggies. Jonathan won't eat lettuce, so I call this his "lettuce-free salad". Apple slices were cut in heart shapes. I served his lunch on a heart shaped plate he made at Color Me Mine last year.
Next up was his Valentine party at school. I had already delivered most of the things needed to school, so I only needed to bring the drinks and ice cream at party time. The kids really loved these exploding balloons! I found these last year and his preschool class loved them so much I got them for the kindergarten class (with his teacher's permission). The kids had a great time playing games and sharing snacks.
Packing up and getting ready to come home, with his friend Elise. She lives just down the street, and her mom & I were the room moms for the Valentine party.
Our day is still not over! There was a "Buddy Party" at the karate school and his friend Ryan came to class. Classes were just for fun, really, some basic moves and then fun games and prizes.
As I said, the day was busy but lots of fun! And here you have the reason for all the little extra things I do:
Jonathan insisted I stay in bed until he brought this to me. He said he made it right after Christmas and hid it under his bed until now. As he was getting ready for bed on Valentine's Day evening, he told me he "would always remember this wonderful day he had". Making memories for our children is what it's all about!
Love the heart shaped bacon! Looks like you had a fun filled day.