Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Use It Up, Wear It Out.....

Make it do, or do without! Ever heard that? My mom used to say that all the time! Bringing my older brothers and sisters up during the economic hardships of the Great Depression, I am sure she repeated that phrase to herself many, many times.
I don't wear things out nearly as much as I should, but lately I have noticed some things around the house that are truly starting to get worn out, and need replacing.
I have two of these laundry baskets, and I have had them for years, way before Jonathan was born. Plus they were second hand when I got them! They are cracked and broken all the way down, not too bad when empty, but when full of laundry they are next to impossible to carry without dropping things.
This mouse pad is not more than a couple of years old, but the sharp edges sticking up poke my wrist!
Other things needing replaced include my kitchen trash can and my mattress. Unfortunately, mattresses are way out of my budget now and will have to wait awhile.
What are your thoughts on making something last as long as possible? Do you want to replace something as soon as it starts to look worn, or do you make it last "just a little longer"?
I am thinking I am going to increase the lifespan of more items in my house when possible. Working on my resolutions for the coming year has me taking a hard look at my budget.
But I think I may spring for a new laundry basket soon...


  1. I try to make things last a little bit longer. Your laundry basket made me think of my sister. She had a basket that had duct tape on. She used it and used it until I bought her a new basket for Christmas.


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