When my older son was in kindergarten 33 years ago (oh my goodness has it really been that long??), they learned quite a bit, but it was also a time for the children to learn social skills and the rules of school--standing in line, raising their hand to speak, etc. None of the children in his class had been to preschool.
Things have certainly changed! Jonathan brings a homework packet home each Friday which is due back at school the following Friday. He's been in school four weeks and I have watched the work get more involved every week. This is the second week of bringing home a little reader, which he has to read to me every day. I sign a log, and the book and reading log goes back to school on Friday. This is this week's book, 8 pages long:
They do not read the book at school, so I have him try to read it to me first, and then I read it to him, and then back to him for the rest of the week. I worry that he has it memorized and is not really reading, so I made my own "flash cards" of words from the book. I use them to make sure he can recognize the words out of the context of the book--and without the help of illustrations. So far, so good!
I am still amazed at the level these kids are expected to learn. I guess it's time I realize my son is no longer a baby or toddler, but a capable little boy. I'm quite proud of him!
Keep up the GREAT WORK Jonathan!!!