Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My First Blog Award!

Thank you so much, Michelle! My fabulous niece blogs at Somerset Cottage, please stop by and say hello.
There are some rules that came along with the award, and here they are:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them on your blog
  • Share seven things about yourself
  • Pass along the award to up to fifteen bloggers
Sounds like fun! When I read Michelle's list, my first thought was that I wouldn't have to write a list, I could just copy hers. Except for the fact that I am waaay past 40 and I've never been a nanny, it's spot on! My niece and I have so very much in common. However, I guess I'd better come up with my own list, so here you are:
  1. I can't swim. I grew up in an area where bodies of water were rare, so I never had an opportunity to learn. I would feel as though I had conquered the world if I could just learn to swim!
  2. I love pretty paper. Stationery, notecards, greeting cards, wrapping paper, just about anything! I can close my eyes and visualize my first box of stationery: delicate pink dotted Swiss with a rose on the corner of each sheet. So began a lifelong love affair with all things paper.
  3. I'm messy. I am not a naturally organized person and I struggle with this daily.
  4. Laundry is my favorite chore. I love the challenge of removing stains and the smell of clean laundry, especially if it has been line dried. I miss my clothesline. A lot.
  5. I was an early talker, only a few months old when I said my first sentence. Just ask my family. I haven't stopped since. Just ask my family.
  6. I am often lonely. I am not unhappy, but I often feel very alone, especially after Jonathan is in bed for the night.
  7. I am an emotional eater. I eat when I'm sad (or lonely, not good) and celebrate with food when I am happy. Another lifelong struggle I haven't conquered.

Now it's time for me to pass the award along and I'm sending it on its way to:
                                Wendi at My Heart Is Always Home
I really enjoy reading her blog and I am sure you will, too! We have children the same age, she gives lots of great tips and good recipes, and she's real!

Thank you again, Michelle, for giving me the award and the chance to share a little more about myself!



  1. We are one in the same, LOL!! With the exception of I can swim & I hate laundry, other than that we have the same list. I love you <3

  2. hello, I read your comment on Tracey Buxton's blog, wanted to tell you that I am the same age as you and I admire you greatly. I remember how much energy it took in our 20's to raise children, can't imagine doing it now. I live in Trenton, KY, if you are close by, contact me!


  3. Thank you for the award and kind words! Too bad we don't live closer... I have some stains you could help me with! :)

  4. I can't swim either. :) and I think I might be an emotional eater as well!
    Congrats on the award I got that same award a while back... I should find that post and grab the photo to put on the side of my blog...

  5. Thanks, Lynn! I am not sure where Trenton is...I live across the river from Cincinnati in N Ky, originally from the hills of Eastern Ky.


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