Friday, July 15, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Today was the end of a very busy week, which included swim lessons at the high school from 9-10 A.M. every morning this week (my boy jumped off the diving board!):
An evening at the County Fair, riding the rides and winning prizes playing games:

A day at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens, watching polar bears swim, attending the Wings of Wonder bird show (new photo on my header was taken at that show), and face painting, too:
Also included in the week was a trip to the library for several new books to read and lunch with a friend.
So, today, when we were invited to go fishing with our friends Edie & Bobby, who are like surrogate grandparents to Jonathan, we thought a relaxing evening at a local park's fishing pond would be just the way to end this hectic week.
The weather was perfect for fishing, and my little fisherman caught 29 fish all by himself! I was amazed at the difference a year has made. This year he's learned to bait his own hook:
And get the fish off the hook by himself:
And then release it back into the pond.
It was a very relaxing end to a busy week!

1 comment:

  1. What A FUN packed week for Jonathan!!
    That's what summer is all about, isn't it? I don't think that I know of anyone who enjoys each and every day more than the two of you!
    Thanks for allowing me to be a part of it, the zoo was such a great day!


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