Thursday, June 9, 2011

Party Preparations: Garage

What do you do if you are having a party in a garage, and you'd prefer everything on the shelves to remain out of sight? My garage is my only storage area, I don't have a basement. Also, I deal in antiques and sell on eBay, so there is always an excess of stuff lurking around here. So, I decided I would cover the shelves with a craft paper "curtain". I bought lots of rolls of brown craft paper in a mark-down cart at Kroger for 15-cents each a couple of years ago, thinking they'd come in handy someday. They just did.Colorful classroom science posters, purchased on eBay, will cover the paper. Meet my new best friend:

This stuff worked great! I couldn't apply very much pressure to the paper covering the shelves so it was tricky to find a way to hang the posters. My sister was helping, and we just sprayed the back of the poster and it adhered immediately to the craft paper.

Of course, Jonathan had to help! Little sneak peek of posters going up! Not perfection, but I think it will make a nice backdrop for party photos and look better than a wall of cluttered shelves, even if I did clean and organize them, which I did! Nothing like the prospect of "company coming" to make you clean!

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