Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Monday Fun Day

We have spent most of our time at home since preschool ended for the summer, which is fine with me, but since there are no children in our neighborhood his age, sometimes I feel a little bad for Jonathan. He entertains himself most of the time, but gets a a little bored sometimes. Yesterday I decided to take a day off from housework, party preparations and eBay and have a fun day with my boy. After swim class and a few errands, we spent the afternoon at our local mall. We hadn't been there in months and they have added a new attraction. It's a train that goes all around the lower level of the mall. Very cool! It costs $3 per ride, but I felt like you got more bang for your buck than the $2 carousel ride on the upper level. We had Chinese for lunch in the food court from our favorite vendor. We can share the generous portions (for now, anyway, that boy can eat, let me tell you!). Just under $8 for lunch, drinks and a tip in the tip jar on the counter. A bargain!

We've never been to Build-a-Bear, so I decided to surprise him with a trip there. He chose a green recycling bear. Here he is making a wish before he puts the heart in his bear.

This activity was just under $20. With his bear in the box:

Then we headed to the play area in the mall. This has been completely redone in the last six months and is very nice. He will soon be too old for this, I'm afraid. He's just getting too big too fast! We met another mom with two children there, new to our area. We may have made a new friend!

We won't get to take a vacation this year, so I hope we can have some fun days like this scattered throughout the summer. We both really enjoyed this special day!

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