Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jonathan's 4th Birthday Baseball Party

In just a couple of weeks, Jonathan will be five. Invitations were mailed today for this year's party. I really enjoyed planning Jonathan's birthday party last year, which had a baseball theme. I thought I would share some of the details of the party with you. This was the invitation: It was a homemade one, on a full sheet of cardstock. The baseball was drawn on, then copies were made and each invitation was cut individually. Mailed along with the invitation was a personalized shirt for each guest to wear to the party. My great-niece appliqued a baseball on the front of each shirt (purchased at Michael's) and then each child's name was embroidered on the baseball. I had a matching one embroidered "Mom", my sister had one with "Pitty-Pat", which is Jon's nickname for her, and the sitter I hired to help had one with "Jenn".

Take home treats were packages of Big League bubble gum and cloth drawstring bags with a baseball design. I forgot to photograph the contents! They each contained a cloth baseball print wallet, baseball bubble necklace on a cord, baseball stickers and a baseball shaped lollipop, all from Oriental Trading Company. Each child also received a baseball bank playing "Take Me Out To the Ballgame", as well as a red baseball cap.

The driveway had a sidewalk chalk pennant, which the rain washed away several times. More about that in an upcoming post!

A Mylar balloon in the shape of a baseball player topped a yard sign proclaiming "Happy Birthday Jonathan", from Vista Print.

I'll post more details and photos of party fun in upcoming posts!

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