Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adios, February!!

I always love the first day of March. To me, it signals the end of winter, even though I have seen some really big snowfalls in March. However, if it is March you know they can't last too long.

I am not big on New Years resolutions, but I make some March-olutions! Time to get out and walk, do some spring cleaning and some yard work.

Seriously, I have a lot I need to accomplish this month. I am planning to work on a list tonight and try to make things manageable. I want to get things better organized around here, so I hope to do at least one drawer or cabinet each day. Things need to be readied for the season's first yard sale. The garage is a mess from the winter and because I tend to stuff things in there when I don't know what else to do with them, especially since I don't have a basement and storage is at a premium. The yard is a mess from winter, also, and I need to get it ready to plant flowers and hopefully a tomato plant or two. Add to that some special spring projects (painting the storage building, painting woodwork). March, and April, need to be productive months.

My problem (one of them, anyway!) is that I am not known for my time management skills. I waste too much time deciding what to do, instead of just doing it!

Here is what I hope to accomplish in March:

  • Paint the woodwork in my bathroom

  • Start cleaning the garage

  • Organize at least one drawer/cabinet per day

  • Get Jonathan's spring/summer wardrobe in order

  • Do some yard/flower bed work

  • If weather permits, have a yard sale. If not, have things ready to have one on the first nice Saturday

  • Do general spring cleaning

I'll have to let you know on April 1st how I did. Maybe telling you guys what needs to be done will hold me accountable!

1 comment:

  1. I need to work on Megan's spring/summer clothes. I love hand me downs but it is such a pain going through everything. Hoping I don't have to buy much this season. Good luck on your list!


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