Monday, February 21, 2011

Do You Buy Kid's Clothing a Season Ahead?

Last week's springlike weather has me thinking about Jonathan's spring/summer wardrobe. Twice a year, I usually go to the outlet mall and hour or so away to buy some of the season's clothing. I also buy his shoes at the Stride Rite store there, he has very wide feet and is hard to fit!
We will probably go there in March, so this afternoon I looked through what I already have, so I can make a list of what he needs. He doesn't need many shirts or pajamas, he does need shorts. He won't need swim trunks, he will need sandals and Crocs. He will need new underwear and socks before school starts at the end of summer.

Do you buy things a season ahead for your children? I try to look for shirts and pj's, but seldom buy pants because I never know how much taller he will get in a season. I bought fewer items than usual at the end of last summer, and didn't buy one single item at this winter's end of season sales. I will probably regret that in the fall!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as if you are super organized with clothes! When my children were a bit younger, especially with Grace- I just couldn't resist those clothes, I bought ahead of time a lot. I don't anymore unless it's something special that I just know she or he will love. Otherwise, I'm afraid they just won't wear it (Grace is very sensitive to how clothes feel!).


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