Friday, February 25, 2011

Crazy like a fox, or just crazy?

This is the guest room closet, hung with a row of boy's coats and jackets. Yesterday I went to Gymboree to return a shirt, only to discover that the highest price on any clearance item was $10.99, including coats! I ended up buying four or five coats and a puffy vest in a variety of sizes. I'm thinking boy's coats aren't going to go out of style, so he is good to go for two--or maybe even three--winters. I also had a 20% off coupon, which lowered the price even more! Also hanging in this closet are yard sale and thrift store finds I think are worth saving until he grows into them, like this $2.00 Gap down-filled vest:

and this $3.00 L.L. Bean raincoat:

Also hanging are a couple of outgrown coats, waiting for eBay next season.

So, am I crazy, or crazy smart, to buy this far ahead?


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